Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Akshay saves a woman's life in real

 Akshay Kumar is indeed a true Khildai and he has proved this by saving a woman’s life in real. The woman named Nina Elavia Jaipuria and Akki saved her when one of the electrical circuits went wrong.

Akki tried to hide the incident but eye witnesses couldn’t stop raving him. Narrating what happened, an eyewitness said,“Though it happened in a split second, we know what got averted. We had lit up the stage and suddenly we were told that one of the electrical circuits was malfunctioning. Unfortunately, by that time both Akshay and Nina had gone on stage and had started talking. Mending the circuit would mean that the programme had to be halted mid-way.”

It was Akshay who informed the staff about the short-circuit. If he would not have acted in time and used his presence of mind, some unlikable incident likely to have taken place.

“We grabbed the video and realised that Akshay grabbed her just in the nick of time as she was tripping and falling down. He later made it seem as if he is hugging her on stage after he had prevented the fall. The circuit was mended soon, but it was a major accident that was averted that day,” the source added.

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