Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lady Gaga Is On The 'Drunk Diet'

Lady Gaga says she’s on a “drunk diet”. Lady Gaga describes it as the whisky-all-the-time diet. We already reported that she likes to smoke weed and drink whiskey while she writes, but now she’s saying that is basically an everyday kind of a habit.

Lady Gaga, 'Born This Way' singer confessed to a fondness for whiskey but insisted that she balances her alcohol intake by doing a lot of yoga.

"I am on the drunk diet. I live my life as I want to, and creatively," she told American radio station SiriusXM. "I like to drink whiskey and stuff while I am working. But the deal is I've got to work out every day, and I work out hung over if I am hung over.

"It's about the cross-training and keeping yourself inspired. I have to say, I do a ton of yoga."

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